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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Why I Want A Wife"-Judy Brady

In Judy Brady's "Why I Want A Wife"(1972), she explains the many reasons she would like a wife and the expectations she would have for her wife. In all honesty, I do not think that she really wants to marry a woman, she would just like for her spouse to be the equivalent of a wife, and not just a wife, but a wife and mother. She would like for her spouse to embody all of the qualities and poses all of the skills that a wife is supposed to uphold. Bumping into her male friend and the conversation that they shared made her realize just how important the role of a wife is. Why else would he be so eager to remarry so soon after his divorce? He realized that without a "wife" he would have to assume the responsibility for make sure that all of the domesticated chores were taken care of. After reading all of the things that she expected from her would be wife, I realized the importance of the role of the wife and mother. The job entails more than just hugs and kisses at night, and bedtime stories. The job is SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!! Like she said "My God, who wouldn't want a wife?" I also realized that after reading this selection and looking back at the roles of myself, my mother, and my grandmother, she is completely right in the description of the duties expected. I guess i never paid attention to it because it comes so naturally. I just fell right in line with the way of society and I had and still have no problem with my job. I actually enjoy it very much. Granted there are some major differences between my life and the one she described in the book, like the choice of another spouse so freely...that would NEVER be acceptable in my case. But there are also some major similarities and I am grateful for the reading because it opened my eyes to see how important my role as a mother and soon-to-be wife truly is, and I am looking forward to every minute of it! Just goes to show how much you are willing to give for the ones that you love!

Until Next Time

-Francis P.

Another blog respond:

            This essay was written by Judy Brady and published in 1972 in Ms. Magazine.  The essay begins with the author talking about a time where a male friend of hers was coming of a recent divorce and now he is looking for a new wife.  The author then begins to contemplate about this and then says that she too would a like to have a “wife”.  For the rest of the essay, the author greatly details all the things that would be necessary for the ideal wife to have.  The kind of wife that will provide every kind of support, need, and want of the other spouse.  Additionally, the author claimed that they would want the ability to replace this wife at anytime if desired.  After this, the author leaves this final message: “My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?” Connections (109).
            When I read this, I was amazed about how the author was able to detail every little thing that a “wife” has to do for her spouse.  What the author does in her essay is bring up an aged mentality, which \ actually still somewhat exists today, about what the ideal spouse is.  She speaks in sarcasm, of course, through her last sentence.  What I felt she was doing was detailing the qualities of a slave.  One who is maid, mother, wife, server, worker, and sexual provider for her spouse, who is basically the equivalent of a master.  I, for one, think the time for such things are long outdated and wrongful.  In my opinion, a married couple should work, live, support, and love each other together as a unit to maintain a more balanced relationship.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"The Human Cost of An Illiterate Society"- Jonathan Kozol

In Jonathan Kozol's "The Human Cost of An Illiterate Society"(1985), he talks about the many injustices that illiterate people in today's society encounter. He explains how these people are forced to just "go with the flow" for lack of a better phrase because they can't discern for themselves the right decisions. He brings up the fact the majority of these people can not vote, and the ones that do vote, vote for " a face, a smile, or a style, not for a mind or character or body of beliefs,"(93). They vote this way because they can not read, nor can they understand the candidates platform, thereby electing potentially the wrong candidate. The sad part about it is, that very few literate people, take the time out to assist those who do not understand. The literate take for granted the educations that they have receive, when there are so many other people in the USA who do anything for the chance to be even half as literate as they are. Instead of offering help, the literate pick on and judge those who aren't as educated them which has in turn deferred the illiterate for even asking for help or assistance out of embarrassment. Kozol's essay has really caused me to open my eyes. I knew there were illiterate people in the world, but I did not know however, that it went as deep as affecting these people's everyday lives. I don't know what I would do if I could not choose what I wanted to eat off of a restaurant menu or was forced to just go along with the majority because I didn't know any better. To know that there are women out there who have went in for a tubiligation and come out with a hysterectomy due to lack of knowledge of document signing is really upsetting. If only the possessed the skills to decipher what they were signing, they would have come out with the correct procedure being done. I found this essay quite informative and upsetting at the same time. I don't want to believe that this is the case in our country , but when the evidence is all around me...what really is left for me to say?

Until next time...........

-Francis P

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Black Men and Public Space" - Brent Staples

Black Men and Public Space is an essay about a young African-American man’s experience during his years as a graduate student in Chicago.  The man is none other than the author himself, Brent Staples.  In his essay, he details the issue of his placement in the community and his appearance had a great, but negative, effect on the people there.  He provides an example of an incident where he was just walking by someone, a white woman, who took his strolling by her as stalking.  Fearing for her safety, she gave Staples a few awkward glances before quickly taking off.  Staples also tells of how he could hear the sounds of shutting doors and windows as he casually continued his walk and contemplating his situation. 
            Staples, a man who appears to be of a pacifist nature, felt disappointed and embarrassed about how some people could just easily judge him based upon his appearance.  While understanding of their point-of-view and their feelings, he still felt bothered that his very existence in their presence would ignite such fear and resentment toward him.  Brent understood this all too well, as he explains how he, all too often, had to witness how the “tough-guy” image and criminal mentality installed in young black men often let to prison, death, or both.   This was something he wanted to avoid being associated with and he had made significant effort to do so.  It wasn’t until he started openly adapting certain habits that people would begin to tolerate his being in their presence. By reading the beginning of the story I felt immediately sorry for this guy. Prejudice is the basic of human classification and different treatment based on their outside appearance. But how is it possible to see the thoughts and his believes of somebody just be seeing him walking? I think that is impossible. For sure there are tendencies that you can assume how people are thinking but you never know until you know the person. With the believe that every person has something good in mind you are more likely to experience the positive side of the people and you will get treated way more friendly. I think that is important to find real friends and having a happy and satisfied life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

38 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police by Martin Gansberg

In Martin Gansberg's story of the tragic murder of Ms. Genovese, he is explaining how society has evolved. The citzens of the neighborhood just watched as the helpless woman was repeatedly stabbed out in public over a 30 min time period. Genovese screamed "[...] help me!" (p12) as people just watched her die. Witnesses claimed they didnt know why they didn't call the police. I think its wrong to ignore such a violent act. It reminds me of the show "what would you do?" and it sort of makes us see what people would do in certain situations. Society is full of violence and people may not want to get involved but I think its kind of ignorant to bypass such things going on. It still needs more appeal for courage to stand up for your believes in right and wrong.


In the narrative it speaks of such painful visions of humans and animals in such horrible pain. Annie Dillard writes this to show the suffering that animals and humans go through, and why such sufferings may exist. She explains as she goes on a trip to observe the native tribes, she is moved by such a scene. The scene was of a deer tied up, helpless and struggling to eacape. It was hung in a tree with only one leg free to barely relieve the rope that was tied so tightly around its' neck. I hate seeing anyone or thing suffer, but we can't really stop it. There's no cure found yet for certain diseases, and u can't control careless accidents, crime, or nature. I try to look at it as the only way we all can adapt and evolve to be better suited people.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain by Jessica Mitford

Behind the Formaldehyde is an excerpt from an exposé called The American Way of Death (1963) by Jessica Mitford.  It contains details on the process of embalming, what is done during the process, and what is used during the process.  An example is used to help with the explanation of the process of embalming, which can be defined as forestalling decomposition of a human corpse and making it suitable for public display at a funeral.  The example is used in the attempt to connect to the readers and show them how a deceased human’s body is expensively prepared for a funeral ceremony.  The author greatly details each and every action is taken during the embalming phase from the fixing of tissue, the draining of blood, to the replacement of missing body parts.  The author also mentions the continued restoration process taken post-embalmment.  The author then finishes by explaining how the body is then wheeled to the slumber room where the finishing touches are made to make the cadaver ready for viewership.
            After reading this excerpt, I was indeed impressed on how the author was able to detail each step taken during embalming.  I had to look up what embalming was to get a proper understanding, but after finding that out, I was easily able to get at what the author was trying to get across.  The author’s heavy detail on the many actions taken during the process of embalmment and what was used during really helps one understand how expensive such a process could be.  This perspective is also drawn from the part where the author compares embalming to cosmetic surgery.  Knowing how expensive cosmetic surgery is, helped me to understand the author’s point-of-view on the subject and it aided me in seeing how the author would probably urge people to seek alternatives on how to prepare the deceased for their final farewell.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"How to Mark a Book" by Mortimer Adler

In Adler's essay "How to Mark a Book" (1940), he proclaims that, "Full ownership of a book comes when you make it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it," (Adler). To say that this goes against everything I was taught when I was younger would be an understatement. I can remember teachers declaring WWIII if they saw an inch of a pencil mark in our text books. I can even remember kids being put in time out for writing in books that weren't "made for writing in." It wasn't until Freshman year in college that I was told it was acceptable, and sometimes necessary, to write in textbooks. At first I was a little apprehensive, but now I completely understand why Adler and my professors deemed it necessary to write in the books. If you write in the book as you're reading, it forces you to grasp a better concept of what you are taking in, whereas the average reader will skim or speed read through the text and not really come away with much from it. You can better appreciate the author and the text if you get a good understanding of what the text truly means. 
Although I did find Adler just a tad bit obsessive with his point, I completely, 100% agree with him. As a big reader myself, I find it helpful to jot a note here or a scribble there. It helps me to remember any questions that I may have while I'm reading. And if I'm reading with a group I can always come back to the question and I won't forget. Although I  don't feel as passionately about the subject as Adler, I do encourage people to jot down little notes just to help keep yourself on track, But HEY....TO EACH HIS OWN!!!!! Until next time my soul hungry readers........

IM OUT!!!!!!


Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall By Diane Akerman

   In Akermans concept essay “Why Leaves Turn Color”, it is quite interesting how she mixes her scientific knowledge with amazing imagery that also appeals to the senses of the reader. Maybe she is writing for a person interested in poetry, but she could also be appealing to the scientific minds out there. I like how she goes through the scientific steps of the leaves changing colors, but it makes it also sound so peaceful and serene to the mind even though the reader is learning. My favorite quote that supports the serenity is when Akerman says: "Walk down a lane overhung with trees in the never-never land of autumn and you will forget about time and death, lost in the sheer delicious spill of color." It brings back memories of my childhood and back when we had no worries but maybe scraping our knees. We got pushed on the playground only to forgive this person an hour later because we all were friends and had nothing to worry about. The author somehow spill science into a wonderful relaxing poem about the most beautiful season of the year.

Monday, September 26, 2011

"That's How I Roll" by Ginny Donaldson

Also Britney Spears is dealing with the "How I Roll"-Phrase
In the concept essay "That's How I Roll" by Ginny Donaldson it is talking about the development of phrases and common speeches. The author is bringing up the example of her instructor to think about the phrase “That’s how I roll”. She did her research online and she noticed that each day the amount of input increased every day. With the help of this example she is explaining that these phrases are used to simplify the proper English and let it sound “cool or less complicated” (p.51). By trying to find the origin of the slang we are more and more likely to use, she found out that some phrases or slang words stick while others cannot resist. We are developing the phrases but we still let the people decide if the word will exist the next day or not. There exists principles how they will be known as sticky but these are not a common rule. Sometimes they just exist without any reason, they are not less important than others with an easily found explanation about their origin.  The audience is more for the folk to illustrate them where our slang English is coming from and how it gets developed.
I can find myself as the author of this text. It is often that I am fascinated and interested in the origin of words. Just looking at the sequence of the letters is already curious. How cool is it that everybody understands what the five letters “bread” means. Also playing with words, joking around and developing new phrases, this can still verbalize in proper English. It is fun creating new words and the people understand what you want to say. It makes your language unique.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Spanglish by Janice Castro, Dan Cook, and Christina Garcia

In the essay "Spanglish" (1988), the authors Castro, Cook, and Garcia give us a personal look into the blend of Spanish and English spoken everyday by a growing number of Americans and Hispanics. This style of speaking has been and is currently growing more and more amongst the Spanish and English speaking cultures alike. The commonly used colloquialism "Hasta la bye bye," is the perfect example of how the two cultures are combining to create a language all its own. In states like Florida and Texas, this way of speaking is more prevalent because over half of the inhabitants are of Spanish decent. In my opinion, Spanglish could be looked at as a method of acceptance. We as Americans have accepted the Spanish influences into our everyday way of speaking, as well as accepted the people who have exposed us to the language. In all actuality, Spanglish could be looked at as more than just some type of slang that teenagers are using. It could also be viewed as a bridging of the gap between Americans and Hispanics or a wake up call. Spanglish just forces us to realize that we are actually not that different from one another, despite how bad some may want to be! 
This article made me see just how often I actually use Spanglish in my everyday life. Who knew that when I called my friends "Chicas" or replied back with a "Gracias," or "De Nada," I was actually speaking Spanglish? It was just everyday habit for me. These are things that I have been saying since I was a little girl and they just came natural to me. I guess from now on I will keep my ears and eyes open for more examples of Spanglish in my everyday life, because they are all around. 

Until Next Time

-Francis Peters

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Lasting Impression by Debra Anderton

The story of “A Lasting Impression” (2010)  is told through a woman named Debi and it is about her beloved mother, who is defined by the narrator on who she was, what she did for her family and what happened to her. 
Debi’s mother, we are told, was the eldest of ten children of a poor family on a farm in Trussville, Alabama.  She is described as a person with a strong positive attitude and great determination.  She also was a very loving and caring woman who did the best she could for her family; even if that meant quitting school to help raise her younger siblings.  Also, when she had children of her own, she had to work two jobs to support her four kids, whose father had passed when their mother was only twenty-seven. 
The narrator moves on to describe her mother as a very beautiful woman.  The mother features are very positively noted by the narrator, but the narrator begins to add that mother’s hard labor was starting to take a toll on the mother’s body.  The narrator felt broken-hearted to see that her mother was aging before her time and the narrator felt an obligation to help her mother with financial burden as soon as she turned fifteen, which was the legal age to work at the time.  This would be conflicted due to the mother’s sudden marriage to man named Jack, who is described as a hulking man with a deep voice and a short temper.   The narrator seems conflicted by the marriage because she wasn’t happy with it, but was glad her mother was happy.
Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse as the mother’s new husband turned to drinking and began abusing the narrator’s mother and the mother also turned to alcohol to help ease the pain.  The narrator seemed willing but helpless to aid her mother and she didn’t find the courage to talk with her mother about her drinking until twenty years later.  The mother is then described as combative and irritable during her drunken state but eventually quelled and begins to feel saddened and lonesome.  It took four more years for everyone to accept what was going on and that the narrator’s mother should get better.  However, the mother decided against one of her sons’ advice in seeking professional help and she figured she could get better on her own.  A decision would regret as she ends up dying two weeks later.  The narrator’s feels saddened but decides to use her mother’s experience and the impression she made on her to help aid her as she experiences motherhood herself.

A Man in the Woods by Andrew White

The power of community
 In the paper “A Man in the Woods” (2010), Andrew  White tells about a group of homeless men living in the  wood and enjoying a live without any rush and drama.  Written in the I-outlook it is plausible that the author  writes about his own experience with these men  community. Together with a friend he brings bags packed  with water and food to this wood people and follows the  personalized forest dweller James when he is handing out  the food to the eight forest dwellers. Everybody is treated  the same. White liked the feeling about this timeless and friendly group. First you may be scared by seeing this people living in the woods but it is just a false impression. By getting closer to them you can feel the peaceful and relaxed atmosphere where everybody is living his own live but also being there for each other. There is a great sense of community. Together they are making their way through the cold winter as also through the hot summer. By knowing there is help from the others keeps them alive through all times of the live like in a marriage.

This Battle Will Not Be Lost by Sandi Millwood

In the paper “This Battle Will Not Be Lost” (2008), Sandi Millwood defines that life is precious.
She is telling her gripping story in a very emotional mood with a meticulous description from the moment when the doctors diagnosed lung cancer in her daughter’s body until they removed the cancer. The young mother seems to be overwhelmed with the situation but with the time she grows with the circumstances to “a stronger mother and person”. Through the love to her daughter she was able to withstand this hard battle and not to give up. She learned from this happening having the possibility to spend time with the persons you love, is invaluable. The audience is impersonalized. It is a report on one’s experiences to everybody to invoke appreciation by having the one you love around you. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Garbage Man - Sharon Curtin

In the short story "The Garbage Man" by Sharon Curtin it tells about a girl which finds a new passion. The children used to swim in the pool but they closed it. So now they swim in the river instead.  Unfortunately they did it against their mother's will. The swimsuit got taken away and she got put on restriction.
By starring at the cottonwoods trees she started to be more and more interested in watching the Garbage Man. He was an old man, who collected the scraps from the people’s garbage to give it to his chickens. Then he sold the eggs back to the people for money.
She started to follow him and played her own game with him, because she expected an interesting person behind this figure. The Garbage Man had the reputation in the city that he is just disgusting, smells bad and ugly. It is said in the story that he is a “mother’s nightmare of a dirty old man, dressed in tattered stained clothing” and he wears “an old stocking cap”.
In her imagination deep in his inside he is a normal, smart, old man who is actually wealthy but wants to hide it from the folk. Nobody would ever have the idea to come too close to his house because they think there is nothing to get. She wanted to discover this.
With her sister together they made a plan to finally see his face and get a closer relationship to him. The plan did not work the way she expected it. She was disappointed because he was just an old man with the marks of being in older ages.
It is a nice story about building first your own opinion and then you can judge. Sometimes we just get disappointed by wrong expectations.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


In the short story  "The Chase" by Annie Dillard, its telling about the author as a child  who seems to be getting along more with boys than girls, and participates in boys sports like football and baseball. In the winter time they can't play many of the sports because of the snow so they practice by throwing snow and iceballs at the passing cars for fun. As they continue to throw the snowballs, they throw one at the wrong car. All of the sudden the angry driver gets out of the car and chases them all through the neighborhood untill they were exhausted.Though they ran around the neighborhood for such a long time, they ended up getting caught by the man, but he did not make a big deal of it. The girl was happy though because she loved doing the unlawful things with the boys that gives her the adrinaline rush and the acception from the boys that she loves.

After reading this short story it reminds me of my childhood when i played soccer which was then considered more of a boys sport. I would much rather be outside playing soccer with the boys on the street beacuse
"nothing girls did could compare with it." I never liked the drama that girls always caused, so I just hung out with the boys because they would rather pass up the drama and get the adrinaline going with all the fun strategic sports.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is literacy?

Literacy is...
-when one uses his or her's ability to read, write, and analyze to gain knowlegde. To sum it up, we feel that literacy is anything that you can read or write. Some people may read a newspaper or a magazine, a textbook or scholarly supported book. There are different types of literacy: the classic types  like a drama, an epic poetry or the lyric. There can be also a different division like easy reading book or scholarly written books
- a bridge from mistery to hope.
- priceless.
- timeless.