In Judy Brady's "Why I Want A Wife"(1972), she explains the many reasons she would like a wife and the expectations she would have for her wife. In all honesty, I do not think that she really wants to marry a woman, she would just like for her spouse to be the equivalent of a wife, and not just a wife, but a wife and mother. She would like for her spouse to embody all of the qualities and poses all of the skills that a wife is supposed to uphold. Bumping into her male friend and the conversation that they shared made her realize just how important the role of a wife is. Why else would he be so eager to remarry so soon after his divorce? He realized that without a "wife" he would have to assume the responsibility for make sure that all of the domesticated chores were taken care of. After reading all of the things that she expected from her would be wife, I realized the importance of the role of the wife and mother. The job entails more than just hugs and kisses at night, and bedtime stories. The job is SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!! Like she said "My God, who
wouldn't want a wife?" I also realized that after reading this selection and looking back at the roles of myself, my mother, and my grandmother, she is completely right in the description of the duties expected. I guess i never paid attention to it because it comes so naturally. I just fell right in line with the way of society and I had and still have no problem with my job. I actually enjoy it very much. Granted there are some major differences between my life and the one she described in the book, like the choice of another spouse so freely...that would NEVER be acceptable in my case. But there are also some major similarities and I am grateful for the reading because it opened my eyes to see how important my role as a mother and soon-to-be wife truly is, and I am looking forward to every minute of it! Just goes to show how much you are willing to give for the ones that you love!
Until Next Time
-Francis P.
Another blog respond:
This essay was written by Judy Brady and published in 1972 in Ms. Magazine. The essay begins with the author talking about a time where a male friend of hers was coming of a recent divorce and now he is looking for a new wife. The author then begins to contemplate about this and then says that she too would a like to have a “wife”. For the rest of the essay, the author greatly details all the things that would be necessary for the ideal wife to have. The kind of wife that will provide every kind of support, need, and want of the other spouse. Additionally, the author claimed that they would want the ability to replace this wife at anytime if desired. After this, the author leaves this final message: “My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?” Connections (109).
When I read this, I was amazed about how the author was able to detail every little thing that a “wife” has to do for her spouse. What the author does in her essay is bring up an aged mentality, which \ actually still somewhat exists today, about what the ideal spouse is. She speaks in sarcasm, of course, through her last sentence. What I felt she was doing was detailing the qualities of a slave. One who is maid, mother, wife, server, worker, and sexual provider for her spouse, who is basically the equivalent of a master. I, for one, think the time for such things are long outdated and wrongful. In my opinion, a married couple should work, live, support, and love each other together as a unit to maintain a more balanced relationship.